A photo of Ambleside Fire Station
Our stations

Ambleside Fire Station

Ambleside Fire Station
Rydal Road
LA22 9AY
United Kingdom

0300 303 8623
Station type

Ambleside fire station is staffed by On-call Firefighters and houses one fire engine and a Wildfire Land Rover.

As Ambleside is an internationally renowned holiday destination the main risk is the significant number of hotels and boarding houses within the area which increases the resident population by up to 20,000 at peak times in the summer. In addition, there is a university complex in Ambleside that educates and employs a substantial number of people Other risks include open farmland and fells which brings the danger of agricultural and wildfires and flooding incidents due to the number of lakes within the area, Ambleside firefighters receive specialist wildfire and water first responder training.

Drill night
Wednesday 1915hrs
Westmorland & Furness

About Ambleside Fire Station

Station profile

Local stations

  • Windermere - 5 miles
  • Coniston - 8 miles
  • Staveley - 9 miles

4,400 population

Crewing type



  • 1 fire engine
  • 1 wildfire land rover


Ambleside Fire Station is in the heart of the Lake District National Park, only 100 metres from the famous Bridge House over Stock Beck. As Ambleside is an internationally renowned holiday destination the main risk is the significant number of hotels and boarding houses within the area which increases the resident population by up to 20,000 at peak times in the summer. 

Demographic and social profile of station area

Further information for this fire station is available on a number of themes at the Cumbria Intelligence Observatory, including:

  • Population 

  • Crime and Community

  • Health and Social Care

  • Housing

  • Economy and Employment

  • Environment

  • Children and Young People

Please visit www.cumbriaobservatory.org.uk and choose a fire station area for your particular theme of interest.

Risk information

The area contains:

• 2 heritage sites, High Street Roman Road and Gaitscale Farmstead

• 6 Grade I Listed and 13 Grade II listed Buildings

• 11 Sites of Specific Scientific Interest

• Wordsworth Trust Grasmere is a Site Specific Risk

• Ambleside is at risk of flooding, it is situated to the North end of Lake Windermere with a number of businesses situated on the Lake front. In recent years high levels of rainfall have swelled the lake with localised flooding causing severe damage to nearby properties. Flooding continues to pose a significant risk with Stock Ghyll, The River Rothay and Fisher Beck potentially placing over 250 properties at risk.