National minutes silence honours fallen Firefighters
Cumbria’s Fire & Rescue Service honour fallen firefighters today (4 May), taking part in the national one-minute silence at their HQ in Penrith.

Firefighters’ Memorial Day commemorates firefighters who have sacrificed and lost their lives in the line of duty and acknowledges the courage and dedication of those who have served and currently serve communities across the nation. Every year on the 4 May, fire and rescue personnel gather outside of their fire stations or offices and hold a minute’s silence to honour those who have tragically lost their lives or have been injured as a result of their duties whilst serving their communities.
Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (DPFCC), Mike Johnson, attended the one-minute silence to show his respect, standing alongside colleagues from Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service and Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Rick Ogden, who led the ceremony.
DPFCC, Mike Johnson, said:
“It is so important that we, as a community, show our respect to those who have died protecting us – no matter how much time has passed.
“Remembrance days such as Firefighters’ Memorial Day provides us with the opportunity to take the time to reflect on the duty of the fire service, remember those who have tragically lost their lives in the line of duty, and thank those who are currently in service for the risks they take to keep the wider public safe.
“Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service is full of incredibly brave individuals who put their lives on the line to protect and save those who are in danger.
“I would like to thank all of Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service for their dedication and hard work in keeping the county safe and remember those who have lost their lives while at work.”
Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Rick Ogden said:
“Firefighters Memorial Day is the time for us to remember our colleagues who gave the ultimate sacrifice while trying to save the lives of others.
“Today we honour the courage and bravery of those who serve within the fire and rescue service. These are highly skilled professionals who selflessly put themselves in the line of danger to protect others.
“Firefighters understand the risks associated with their job, but they do expect to come home safe after each shift. Sadly, this is not always the case. We hope this day will bring comfort and strength to the families and loved ones of those who we have lost.”