People & Talent

Absence and Wellbeing - Corporate Staff

You are at the heart of the services we deliver, and we want you to know that we value the contributions you make every day.  We couldn't do what we do without you.  

We want to create a healthy working environment that helps you to perform well and to provide you with support that has a positive impact on your physical, mental and financial wellbeing.

We want to achieve a workplace where: 

  • We support the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees 
  • Everyone can find Support and Information when they need it, which is relevant to their role 
  • Everyone knows how to improve and maintain their own health and wellbeing and to make healthy lifestyle choices 

Managing Wellbeing

The purpose of this guidance is so you, as the manager, can understand what support is available to you to create a healthy working environment 

Managing Wellbeing Guidance

Employee Passport Guidance


Managing Absence Consistently

The purpose of this guidance is so you, as the manager, can understand how to manage an employee's absence consistently, and to provide support to employees to make health and wellbeing improvements, enabling employees to return to work and maintain sustainable attendance thereafter.

Managing Absence Consistently

Short term absence

The wellbeing and absence procedure is based on a set of five guiding principles, as follows:

  1. Person Centred 
  2. Prioritising Wellbeing 
  3. Proactive 
  4. Flexible and Creative 
  5. Consistent

These principles have been introduced to recognise the unique challenges you may face when supporting the health and wellbeing of an employee. It is important to recognise each employee may require different support to maintain high levels of wellbeing and sustainable attendance.

In the procedure, consistency means applying the other four guiding principles equally to all employees. This could mean the same actions do not need to be applied to all cases. 

You are encouraged to use your own initiative to support an employee with their absence. Where you have any queries on how to apply the above principles consistently, please contact HR for further advice and guidance. 

Short Term Absence

Return to Work 

Return to Work Checklist

Long term absence

The wellbeing and absence procedure is based on a set of five guiding principles, as follows:

  1. Person Centred 
  2. Prioritising Wellbeing 
  3. Proactive 
  4. Flexible and Creative 
  5. Consistent

These principles have been introduced to recognise the unique challenges you may face when supporting the health and wellbeing of an employee. It is important to recognise each employee may require different support to maintain high levels of wellbeing and sustainable attendance.

In the procedure, consistency means applying the other four guiding principles equally to all employees. This could mean the same actions do not need to be applied to all cases. 

You are encouraged to use your own initiative to support an employee with their absence. Where you have any queries on how to apply the above principles consistently, please contact HR for further advice and guidance. 

Long Term Absence

Return to Work

Return to Work Checklist


Return to Work

The purpose of this guidance is so you, as the manager, can understand the process of welcoming an employee back to work after a period of absence, and to provide support to employees to make health and wellbeing improvements, enabling employees to return to work and maintain sustainable attendance thereafter.

Return to Work Guidance

Return to Work Checklist

AP5 - Wellbeing Action Plan

Individual Stress Questionnaire 

Wellness Action Plan (WAPs)

Industrial Injury - Corporate Staff

This guidance to support managers and employees on the implementation and management of industrial injuries and associated entitlement. You should read this in conjunction with the Absence Procedure. It applies to all employees covered by Green Book conditions of service.

Industrial Injury

All accidents and incidents must be reported. Please contact Health and Safety. 

Occupational Health Service

The Occupational Health service carry out pre-employment medical screening, deal with fitness for work referrals, advise on workplace adjustments and undertake a number of health assessments specific to particular jobs.

Occupational Health Service

Disability Leave

This procedure enhances the support and assistance available to disabled employees. Disability leave is paid time off work which may be granted where an employee is absent as a result of their disability, but for reasons other than sickness.

Disability Leave Procedure

Disability Leave Form

Directed Medical Absence

This guidance provides clarification on the existing Directed Medical Absence procedure. Directed Medical Absence allows an employee to be absent on full pay with their sick pay entitlement not affected if the employee wants to return to work, but this is deemed a hazard.

Directed Medical Absence Guidance

Absent Without Leave (AWOL)

This Guidance aims to provide information to managers so they can support employees who are absent without leave.

AWOL Guidance

HR Service

If you need any advice or have queries on a policy, procedure or guidance, please get in touch with one of our team via email: